Death by Umbrella Anyone?

death by umbrella.pngAs horror fans, we all know just how crazy some of these films can be. Hell, the ’80s alone had some of the most crazy-ass, rubber monsters, doing in their victims in all sorts of bizarre ways. That was one of the things that made some of those films so much fun, always looking for what we called a good “quality kill”, which meant a death scene like something we’d never seen before. For example, while the rest of Wes Craven’s Deadly Friend is a sheer waste of time, the “basketball to the head” is legendary!

But now, Christopher Lombardo and Jeff Kirschner, two Toronto horror writers that love the genre, and decided to move a little past their regular outlet of insanity, their website, and publish a book! But not just any book. Covering 100 films and filled with some of the horror film world’s most bizarre, strange, and downright crazy murder weapons, you’ll get to read about exercise equipment, deer antlers, ears of corn, and so much more.

Published by BearManor Media, this 188 page book sounds like a lot of fun. Plus, with a forward by Lloyd Kaufman, how could it be bad? I know once we get a copy of this in our library, we’ll dive right into and let everyone know what we thought.

For all the info, you can order your edition (in hardcover or softcover) at BearManor’s site HERE.

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